I bought an iPod

When I saw characters of iPod first, I wondered what a pod is. I sometimes had heard it in a science fiction films like Star Wars, but I thought that it was the same as pot. I thought that iPod was a pot that could play a lot of music.

When I bought an iPod, I was concerned about the correct meaning of the word. So I looked up pod in a dictionary. I found pod, and I knew that it was different from pot completely. But I couldn't understand why iPod was iPod. The dictionary said that pod was a cover of beans or a room of a plane.

I was confused, so I looked it up in another heavy dictionary. I could see a matching meaning this time. It was a detachable part of a space ship. Oh! iPod was a cool name! So I wanted to pronounce it correctly. But pot is easy to say, and pod is hard to say.

After that, I bought a pink iPod mini. It is very cute and small, but it can have a thousand music. I put sounds into the iPod. The sounds are a lot of pop, a little classic, and a lot of sounds for learning English.

It's fun to hear what I want to hear, but it's fun to hear unexpected sounds. iPod can shuffle and play a thousand sounds. It was more fun than I thought. I feel music that I heard so many times has become fresh music. And I am not bored with sounds for learning English. It's wonderful.