What a forgetful boy!

When I was a child, I often left things at home that I had to take to school and I was scolded. I thought Takayuki and I were the same, so I didn't deeply think about his forgetfulness.

On Friday, two weeks ago, he left everything at his school except for his school bag, and his teacher brought them to my house. At that time only Ryuichi was at home, he was very ashamed and very angry. So he called me suddenly. I sympathized with him, but I thought it was good I wasn't at home, and I laughed a little and I realized Takayuki was a more forgetful person than I. I should take care that he doesn't forget things. I already talked to him about how to remember his things again and again, so this time I decided to give him a punishment.

If he leaves something somewhere, he can't watch TV or play video game for a day. Because he likes them very much, I hoped he would take more care about his things. But, the next day he left his Japanese calligraphy gear at the private school. This time his friend delivered it to my house. I accepted it and I thought Takayuki wouldn't be able to watch TV again.

After that, he takes care of his things, but he keeps on forgetting a variety of things, so he nearly always can't watch TV. Actually it's good that he can't watch TV because he plays outside healthily and I can watch TV programs that I like! And he leads a good life. For example, he does his home work earlier and goes to bed earlier too.

Recently, on Thursday morning, he left his Japanese calligraphy gear at his friend's house and he went to school, so he couldn't find them. The friend's mother called us about this and Ryuichi picked up it and I took it to his school. He is giving the people a lot of trouble.

Does the punishment have the desired effect for such a forgetful boy? But I like the punishment with or without the results.