Pin Striped Pattern

Last Monday, Takayuki called me from his school and said "Pick me up at the school because I've injured my leg." I thought it might not be too bad, as usual; in fact, that he could walk from shool to home. But it seemed too much trouble when I questioned him on the phone. So I simply answered "Okay" and Ryuichi who was off, picked Takayuki up.

Takayuki came home with Ryuichi, and I was surprised to see Takayuki's left leg which was wrapped in bandages. He told me that he had fallen in a gutter beside a pond and got hurt by some jagged, concrete surface. I looked under one of the bandage, there were many scraches which formed a pin striped pattern. It looked very sore so it was good that I didn't say "Walk home!"

By the way, the other his leg had a pin striped pattern which was drawn by a ball-point pen. It was similar to the pattern of the wounds. I wondered if he had played a trick even though he was in pain, so I asked him when he drew it. He answered, "I drewn it before I got hurt. If I hadn't drawn it, I wouldn't have got hurt, right?"

Of course, it didn't have the cause-and-effect relationship. But, whenever I bump into a coincidence, it seems to me it's a god looking at me.