
One night, I squeezed a tube, and put the paste on a cloth, and lathered it up. I felt it wasn't good foam, it was strange, but I washed my face with the foam.

A few minutes later, I realized that the paste wasn't for my face, it was tooth paste! I felt cool on my face, so I didn't want to sleep though it was night.

I told Ryuichi about that, and he said, "Are you silly? Are you okay? Are you tired?" I said, "Yes. Yes. Yes." and "The tubes look the same. If it was morning, it would be okay. I washed my face with the tooth paste, because it was cool. But I don't want to brush my teeth with the facial cleansing cream, no matter what!"

A few days later, it was a shame that I brushed my teeth with the facial cleansing cream. I had a very bad feeling in my mouth. It was worse than I thought. I regretted to remove the cause of the mistake, and I thought every accident happens like that.