The Closing Sale at the Second Day

I wrote that if we could sell the same as a closing sale everyday, we would get rich. But it's wrong. The kind of the sales don't make a profit. As we sell at a 50 percent discount, we would be poorer.

But that kind of sale has a good side. Our customers look very happy, we cash in stock, and it's fun like a festival. So I think it's good that we sell at a 50 percent discount once a year.

By the way, the second closing sale day, some customers wanted to return goods. They were overheated in the crazy atmosphere of the first day. We said that they couldn't return goods from this sale, so they could not return things. I was sorry about the no return, but, if we did accept returns, there would be no end to it.

In addition, the second day, some customers bought again! The same as the first day. Oh! It takes all kinds to make a world.